Lu walked home from school everyday.

In her backpack, she kept a pair of safety scissors and some pretty ribbons.

When she saw some flowers, she would cut them and tie them with  a ribbon.

She walked into a fancy restaurant.

"Would you like some of my flowers for your tables?" she asked the head waiter.

"Young lady, those are not flowers, they are weeds."

"Our patrons are very, very particular and demand only the finest flowers in the world."

She then went into the public library.

"Would you like some of my flowers for your tables?" she asked the head librarian.

"My dear young lady, those are not flowers, they are weeds."

"Our patrons demand precision in definition; please go to the reference section and research flowers."

Lu's last stop before home was the Very Fine, Fine Artist's Studio.

"Would you like some of my flowers for your tables?" she asked the head director.

"Excuse me little person, those are not flowers, they are weeds."

"Our very, very notable artists must concentrate of the figure and ground; good day and goodbye!"

Finally, Lu arrived at her home.

"Would you like some of my flowers for our table?" she asked her mother.

"Why thank you Lula, these flowers are beautiful, I will put them in a pretty vase on our table."